The days are longer, the kids are home from school, and life has a slightly slower pace. Here are some great summer activities to stay active and cool with your family and alone.
Keep Active
Of course, summer is a great time to exercise outside. Explore your local bike trails or just take a walk around the neighborhood with the kids. To stay cool, bring plenty of water, as the hot weather and extra activity can leave you needing additional hydration.
It’s easy to send your kids outside for summer fun, but what about those hot and stormy days when you’re all stuck inside? You can stay active inside as well! Plan a scavenger hunt, play some music, and have a dance party. Everyone will love it, and you can stay in the air conditioning — a win-win.
Clean Up
Okay, so it might not be your idea of summer fun, but with a slower schedule and more free time, this is a great time to do some major cleaning projects you might be putting off. Why not use the outdoors to your advantage and air out your drapes and curtains? Or wash your windows and let them air dry in the warm summer?
More extensive projects like cleaning your floors (or getting them cleaned) are easier in the summer, too. And given how much bacteria people bring into a house on their shoes, you may want to clean sooner rather than later.
Get Wet
Pools are a great place to stay cool in the heat, but don’t let that stop you if you don’t have one. Setting up a sprinkler or splash pad in your yard is a great summer activity for kids and adults alike.
If you’re on the go, try wearing a wet towel on the back of your neck. It will keep you surprisingly cool as you go about your business!
Eat Smart
While ice cream and cold drinks are an important part of summer fun, make sure you balance them with plenty of fruits and veggies. Not only will it help you save on calories, but it will also decrease your chances of dehydration as many of them have higher water content.
For an extra cool treat, stick cubed melon or grapes in the freezer for a few hours. You won’t even miss high-sugar popsicles!
Enjoy Summer Without Breaking a Sweat
Summer is only three months long, and we all know it feels much shorter than that. Take a moment now and then to slow down and appreciate the long, warm days. They’ll be gone before you know it.